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2024-02-22 15:25:16

Israeli siege renders Gaza's Nasser Hospital a 'place of death'

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Israeli siege renders Gaza's Nasser Hospital a 'place of death'

UN staff members who helped evacuate critically wounded patients from Nasser Hospital in the Gaza Strip have described "appalling" conditions in the territory’s second-largest medical facility, saying it has turned into a “place of death,” reports Press TV.

"The conditions are appalling. There are dead bodies in the corridors. Patients are in a desperate situation,” said Jonathan Whittall, senior humanitarian affairs officer at the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in the occupied Palestinian territory.

"This has become a place of death, not a place of healing," he added.

Whittall, who took part in evacuation missions along with teams from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) on February 18 and 19, raised concern about conditions of dozens of patients and staff who remain trapped inside the hospital amid intensified Israeli bombardment of the area in a video posted on X. 


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