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2024-04-21 19:18:16

Barrister Suman files application against Benazir at ACC

Staff Correspondent

Barrister Suman files application against Benazir at ACC

An application has been submitted to the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) to investigate allegations of irregularities and corruption and abuse of power against the former Inspector General (IG) Benazir Ahmed in acquiring his huge amounts of illegal wealth.

On Sunday (April 18), Habiganj-4 Constituency Member of Parliament and Supreme Court lawyer Syed Sayedul Haque Suman submitted this application to ACC Chairman. At that time, he attached the report published in The Daily Kaler Kantho about Benazir with the application.

In the application, the ACC has been asked to investigate and take action against Benazir Ahmed, his wife Zeeshan Mirza, two daughters Farhin Rishta binte Benazir and Tashin Raisa binte Benazir.

When asked to know, Syed Sayedul Haque Suman told The Kaler Kantho, "The report against Benazir of acquiring about Tk of a thousand crore, the allegations that are coming in the newspaper about his corruption have made headlines. So far, without seeing any inquiry in this matter, I came to the ACC and applied as a citizen and said that it (complaint) needs to be investigated, because if the former IGP has so much wealth, then the honest officers in the Bangladesh Police Force will be very frustrated and will have a negative impact on those who are honest in the country. Those who are dishonest will start competition of being corrupted.

If the allegations are true they will say we all want to be Benazir. I think it's a terrible thing for the country!”

When asked what to do if the ACC does not take action, Suman said, "I will go to the High Court clearly."

After Sumon submitted application in the Supreme Court, ACC's senior lawyer Khurshid Alam Khan told the reporters, "I came to know that barrister Sayedul Haque Suman has filed an application in the ACC based on the news published about the assets of former IGP Benazir Ahmed. In view of his application, the ACC will conduct an investigation in accordance with its rules and regulations.

If the commission feels that it falls within the purview of the ACC, the ACC will take action as per law.”

In a question, this lawyer said, "The person is not important here. The ACC looks at whether the charge falls under a scheduled offence. The commission will examine whether the information is true.

There are several steps here. The application submitted by him (Sayedul Haque Suman) today will go to the sorting committee for verification. The committee will examine and decide. After that, in the light of the committee's decision, if the commission thinks it should be investigated, they will do it.

According to the application, Benazir Ahmed was the 30th IG of Bangladesh Police. He retired on 30 September 2022. But while on the job, it is reported that he had amassed huge wealth in the name of his wife and daughters, which are not commensurate with his income.

The Daily Kaler Kantho recently published a two-part investigative report on former police chief Benazir Ahmed's irregularities, corruption and abuse of power. The first report titled 'Aladdin's lamp in Benazir's house' was published on March 31. In the reporter's investigation, Benazir Ahmed's wealth has been found in the elite areas of the capital: Expensive flats, houses and bigha after bigha of land in expensive areas near Dhaka. In addition, he has 200,000 shares of Best Holdings and five-star hotel La Meridien in the name of the two daughters. In Purbachal, there is a duplex house sprawling over 40 kathas with an estimated value of at least Tk 45 crores. In the same area, there is another 10 bigha land worth Tk 22 crore. Savannah Eco Resort, an elite and beautiful tourist center built by Benazir's family in Bairagitol village of Sahapur Union of Gopalganj, next to the Dhaka-Mawa Expressway, has also come up.

Not only this eco-resort, this influential former police officer has built a mountain of wealth in the name of his wife and two daughters. Kal Kantha mentioned in the report that at least six companies were found in their name in different parts of the country.

The Kaler Kantho published another report two days after the publication of the afforementioned report. The report was published on April 2 under the title 'Benazir's resort in forest land'. It says, 'Bhawal Resort is spread over 160 bigha land in Naljani village of Bhawal Garh Union of Gazipur Sadar Upazila. It started its journey on April 6, 2018 on about 106 bighas of land. Later, another 54 bigha of land was added to it. It has 62 villas, helipad, restaurant, gymnasium, swimming pool, spa, etc.

The Kaler Kantho says that a large part of this resort has been built by encroaching forest land. The former Inspector General of Bangladesh Police (IGP) Benazir Ahmed was the man behind it. Benazir Ahmed owns one-fourth of the resort. He was the Commissioner of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) when the resort was built by occupying the forest land.

After the publication of these two reports, there was a wide discussion about it in the national and international media including social media. Two reports became the talk of the country. Some international media also printed reports citing the report of the Kaler Kantho. Parliamentarian Suman filed complaint to ACC by adding these two published reports.

Suman's application, providing information from the report, stated, "Benazir Ahmed's assets in the name of her family members are much more than her legitimate income. As a result, there is enough reason to believe that Benazir Ahmed has acquired these assets by abusing his position and power during his tenure. As a result, I request you to take necessary legal action to investigate the assets of Benazir Ahmed and his wife and children.


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