India’s Border Security Force (BSF) on Monday issued a high alert across all its formations along the 4,096 km border with Bangladesh in the wake of the developments in the neighbouring country, BSF officials said.
BSF’s acting Director General Daljit Singh Chawdhary and other senior commanders reached Kolkata to take stock of the security situation, they said, Daily Sun reports.
The force has directed all its field commanders to be "on the ground" and "deploy all personnel on border duty immediately", said a senior officer.The leaves of all the personnel posted along the Bangladesh border were cancelled in the last few weeks after Bangladesh witnessed massive violent protests and now all units have been asked to "acquire an all alert posture", he said.
West Bengal shares a total of 2,217 km of border with Bangladesh, along with Tripura (856 km), Meghalaya (443 km), Assam (262 km) and Mizoram (318 km).