শনিবার, ২৯ নভেম্বর, ২০১৪ ০০:০০ টা
ইংরেজি : মার্কস-৭৫

ক্যাডেট কলেজে ভর্তি পরীক্ষা-২০১৫

শেখ শামীম আহমেদ, পরিচালক শহীদ ক্যাডেট একাডেমি, উত্তরা, ঢাকা

ক্যাডেট কলেজে ভর্তি পরীক্ষা-২০১৫

Read the following passage carefully and answer all questions:
A proverb runs that ‘Health is wealth’. To keep healthy is to keep free from disease and anxiety.Good health is the pre-condition to happy and cheerful life. So, it is very important to keep good health. At first we should be careful about hygiene. Hygiene is the first condition of good health. Eating balanced diet is an important rule of good health too. We should clean household and take healthy food and pure water. To be fit physical exercise is very important. Proper sleep and rest are also vital for good health. Besides, proper Medicare is also essential. Personal hygiene’s like washing hands, taking bath, brushing teeth, cleaning eyes, ears and nails and wearing clean cloth help us to keep fit. Thus if we follow these rules, we could keep good health.
Read the passage again and answer the following questions:             1×5=5
1. What do you mean by ‘good health’?
2. At first, what we should be careful about ?
3. Who can help others in society?
4. What is meant by ‘hygiene’?
5. Why should we clean our environment?
6. Make five sentences from the substitution table:         1×5=5

a. ___________________________________    b.___________________________________c.___________________________________d.___________________________________e. ___________________________________    Tick (Ö) the right one: (7-16)    1×10=10
7.     What is the synonym of ‘fertile’———festival/ productive/ favour/ process.
8.     What is the antonym of ‘beauty’———ugliness/ fairness/ funny/ smart.
9.     The girl——-her mother.———-take after/ takes after/ took up/ has take.
10.    She is ———-heir to her property. ———a/ the / an/ no article.
11.    Which one is imperative sentence?
    a. May you live long    .
    b. I wish I were a king.
    c. you should do it.
    d. Let’s play cricket.
12.    To read book is a good habit. Here underlined word is ———-an infinitive/ a gerund/ a participle
13.    Walking is a good exercise. Here  walking is———an infinitive/ a gerund/ adjective
14.    I like boiled eggs. What type of sentence is it?——interrogative/ imperative/ assertive
15 Take care of your health. What type of sentence is it?——interrogative/ imperative/assertive
16. What a shame ! What type of sentence is it?———interrogative/exclamatory / assertive
     Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition.         1×5=5
17.    He appeared—————the examination.
18.The horse ran————————a child.
19. We usually go to school —————foot.
20. He looked ———————————me.
21. Tony is playing —————— his dog.
Make sentences with the following phrase     : 1×5=5
22.    A slow coach= ——————————        
23.    Blue blood= ———————————
24. Come round=——————————        
25. Get rid of= ———————————        
26. In a fix= ————————————    
Change the word as directed    1×5=5
27. Decide (noun)=——————————
28. Civilization(verb)= ————————        
28. Independence (adjective)=——————    
29.Normal (adverb)= —————————        
30. Belief (verb)=———————————    
Put appropriate ‘wh’ question words.    1×5=5
31. ——————far is Dhaka from Pabna?
32. ————————did you go yesterday?
33. ————————————pen is this?
34. —————————is playing cricket?
35. —————————does the bus start?
Change the following sentence as directed.     1×7=7
36. I have only twenty taka with me (Negative).
37. The bird is very beautiful. (Exclamatory)
38. Hurrah! We have won the game. (Assertive)
39.    Pill tastes bitter. (Passive)
40.    The road has been repaired. (Active)
41.    Rabindranath is greater than any other poet in the world. (Positive) :
42.    Sadika  is not as tall as Khushbu. (Comparative)
 Translate the following sentences:     1×5=5
44. BUwU gviGj cvUGKjwU ˆLGZ nq|
45. Zviv KÅvGWU KGjGRi RbÅ fwZÆ cixÿv w`GqGQ|
46. Avwg ZvGK Nywo DovGZ ˆ`Ljvg|
47. Gm mvuZvi KvUGZ RvGb bv|                
48. AvR Lye Mig, ZvB bv?
Change the following gender (opposite
meaning)     1×4=4
49. Actress = _________________________    
50. Poet = ____________________________    
51. Ram = ___________________________    
52. Step-son = ________________________    
Identify the following case underline word:     1×4=4
53. We  are playing football . = __________ 54. Students, keep silent. = ______________    55. Simu is a beautiful girl. = ____________    56. My father  is a doctor . = _____________    Change the following numbers:     1×5=5
57. Deer = ___________________________
58. Toy = ____________________________    
59. Enemy = __________________________    
60. Wolf = ___________________________    61. Son-in-law = ______________________    62.Write a paragraph about “A mobile phone ”(100-120 words)         10

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