শনিবার, ৪ ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০১৭ ০০:০০ টা

এইচএসসি ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয় পত্র

মেহেরুন্নেসা খাতুন

এইচএসসি ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয় পত্র

প্রিয় পরীক্ষার্থী, আজ ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয় পত্রের ৮ নম্ব্বর প্রশ্ন, অর্থাত্ Identify the unclear pronoun references in the following paragraphs wbGq AvGjvPbv Kie|

Identify the unclear pronoun references in the following paragraphs. Where necessary, rewrite the sentences so that all pronoun references are clear.                                                                  1x5=5


An ideal farmer is a very important person in our society. generally, he lives in a village. Their house is made of corrugated iron sheets or straws. An ideal farmer lives a very simple life. He earns his livelihood by the sweat of their brow. He works from morning till evening. He gets up very early in the morning and takes a little breakfast. He goes to field with his wooden plough and a pair of bullocks. He cultivates and prepares his land with simple hand-made tools. He has both pleasures and pains in his life. He gets pleasures when he has a good harvest. But he gets pains when his crops are destroyed by droughts, floods or cyclone. Through a farmer works hard, does not get enough to eat. He lives from hand to mouth. He also suffers from many diseases. An ideal farmer is a seed to the country. He contributes a lot to the economy of the country. So all of us should respect them.


You are seven years old. You hear the sound of glass breaking outside window and suddenly the house resounds with mother’s shouts. You see her face in the hall from your bedroom. That she forms with her mouth is strange and unfamiliar to you. Riot. It would have sounded like a clownish way of saying ‘Right’. But this does not seem to be a time for clownish behaviour. This is something serious and mysterious and disturbing and it occupies a place in the adult world, the world you do not yet understand but can intuitively grasp from time to time. Like now. Your mother enters bedroom. Her face is distorted with alarm. She runs to where you are, playing with your friend who is also your age, and grabs you.

Answer-5 : An ideal farmer is a very important person in our society. generally, he lives in a village. His house is made of corrugated iron sheets or straws. An ideal farmer lives a very simple life. He earns his livelihood by the sweat of his brow. He works from morning till evening. He gets up very early in the morning and takes a little breakfast. He goes to his field with his wooden plough and a pair of bullocks. He cultivates and prepares his land with simple hand-made tools. He has both pleasures and pains in his life. He gets pleasures when he has a good harvest. But he gets pains when his crops are destroyed by droughts, floods or cyclone. Through a farmer works hard he does not get enough to eat. He lives from hand to mouth. He also suffers from many diseases. An ideal farmer is a seed to the country. He contributes a lot to the economy of the country. So all of us should respect him.

Answer-6 : You are seven years old. You hear the sound of glass breaking outside your window and suddenly the house resounds with your mother’s shouts. You see her face in the hall from your bedroom. The word she forms with her mouth is strange and unfamiliar to you. Riot. It would have sounded like a clownish way of saying ‘Right’. But this does not seem to be a time for clownish behaviour. This is something serious and mysterious and disturbing and it occupies a place in the adult world, the world you do not yet understand but can intuitively grasp from time to time. Like now. Your mother enters your bedroom. Her face is distorted with alarm. She runs to where you are, playing with your friend who is also your age, and she grabs you.

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