সোমবার, ২৬ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১৬ ০০:০০ টা

ক্যাডেট কলেজে ভর্তি পরীক্ষা

বিষয় : ইংরেজি

শেখ শামীম আহমেদ

শিক্ষক, শহীদ ক্যাডেট একাডেমি, উত্তরা


Read the poem and answer the question no 1 and 2

“Holding Hands”

Elephants walking

Along the trails

Are holding hands

By holding tails

Trunks and tails

Are handy things

When elephants walk

In Circus rights.

And when they walk

It never fails

They’re holding hands By

holding tails.

1.         Answer the following questions:          1× 5= 5

            a. Who is the writer of the poem?

            Ans: Lionor Mlink

            b. What do elephants do?

            Ans: Walk in the sircus ring

            c. Why don`t elephants fail?

            Ans: Because they walk together by holding each other

            d. What are the helpful for the elephants?

            Ans: Trunk, and tails

            e. Why have the tails and trunks been called hands?

            Ans: Because they use them as their hand.

2.         Transform the following sentences  as directed.                                  1× 5= 5

            a. The thief was caught red handed. (Active).

            Ans: The police caught the thif red handed.

            b. You cannot help obeying your teacher. (Affirmative)

            Ans: You must obeyt your teacher

            c. Since he was ill, he did not go to school. (Simple)

            Ans: Because of his illness, he did not go to school.

            d) 15th December is one of the most important days for us. (comparative)

            Ans: 15th December is more important than most other days four.

            e. They may solve the problem.(passive)

            Ans: The problem may be solved by them

            f. The book reads easy. (passive)

            Ans: The book is read easy

            g. It is a matter of joy that we have won the match. (Exclamatory)

            Ans: Hurrah! We have won the match.

3.         Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition.        1×5=5

                From            For              To


            Today man has been suffering

            (a)…various diseases. And there is no remedy

            (b)……..some fatal diseases. So man is subject

            (c)….decay and death one day he will depart

            (d)…this world. Here he cannot live

            (e)……a long life.

            Ans:  a) From  b) for  c) to  d) From e) for

5.         Change the following numbers :         1×4=4

            a. Stomach=

            Ans: stomachs

            b. Knife=    Ans: Knives

            c. Belief=    Ans: Beliefs

            d. Eskimo= Ans: Eskimo

6.         Change the following Genders:            1×5=5

            a. God=   Ans: Godden

            b. Washer man= 

            Ans: washer woman

            c. Waiter=  Ans: Waitren

            d. Boar= Ans: sow

            e. Horse= Ans: Mare

7.         Re-write the sentence with the correct form of verb.   1×5=5

            a. He often (play) in the garden.

            Ans: plays

            b. At the moment he (reads) a story book.   Ans: is reading

            c. I (dream) a sweet dream last night.

            Ans: dreamt

            d. They cannot help (laugh) at your words.

            Ans: laughing

            e. Read attentively lest you (fail) in the exam.

            Ans: should fail.

8.         Use the word “active” as directed:      

            1×4= 4

            a. He has..his mobile number (verb)

            Ans: activated

            b. He is an…….worker (adjective).

            Ans: active

            c. His…in this sector is strong (noun).

            Ans: activation

            d) He is working…….(adverb)

             Ans: actively

9.         Make sentences with the Idiomatic phrase:      1× 5= 5

            a. At the eleventh hour…

            Ans:  He joint the meeting of the eleventh hour

            b. Call in…

            Ans: call in doctor

            c. From hand to mouth…

            Ans: He lives from hand

            d. Heart and soul ……

            Ans: They tried heart and soul to solve the problem.

            e. Part and parcel…

            Ans: Ambition is a part and parcel of our life.

10.       Translate the sentence into English :    1× 5= 5

            ধ. বাংলাদেশে ছোট বড় অনেক নদী আছে।

            Ans: There are many small and big river in Bangladesh.

            b. অনেক সন্ন্যাসীতে গাজন নষ্ট।

            Ans: Too many cook spoil the broth.

            প. শেরশাহ হুমায়ুন অপেক্ষা অধিকতর কৌশলী ছিলেন।

            Ans: Shershah was more tactual than Hurrah.

            d. লোকটি হাসিতে হাসিতে চলিয়া গেল।...

            Ans: The man went away laughing.

            e. তুমি কি ক্যাডেট ভর্তি পরীক্ষা দিবে?...

            Ans: Will you sit for the cadet admission test

সর্বশেষ খবর