মঙ্গলবার, ১৯ জানুয়ারি, ২০১৬ ০০:০০ টা

প্রতিযোগিতামূলক নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা

মো. হাসমত আলী, ইংরেজি শিক্ষক, বিসিএস কনফিডেন্স

Choose the best options:

[পূর্ব প্রকাশের পর]

৯.   The greater the demand, — the price.

            a. higher           b. high

            c. the higher     d. the high

১০.  a. Of the two boys, Rana is the best.

            b. Of the two boys, Rana is the good.

            c. Of the two boys, Rana is the better.

            d. Of the two boys, Rana is more better.

১১.  a. A two year baby need milk.      

            b. A two years baby need milk.

            c. A two year babies need milk

            d. A two year baby needs milk.

১২.  a. I prefer to read than sleep.  

            b. I prefer reading to sleeping.

            c. I prefer tea to coffee.                      

            d. All of the above.

১৩.  According to the economic laws, the greater the demand, —— the price.

     a. higher           b. high 

            c. the higher     d. the high

১৪.  The observation dark at the world Trade center in New York____.

     a. is highest than any other one.          

     b. is higher than any other one.

     c. is highest than any other one.   

     d. is higher than any other one.

১৫   A computer is usually chosen because of its simplicity of operation and ease of maintenance —— its capacity to store information.

     a. the same as      b. the same    

     c. as well as  d. as well

১৬.  Frost occurs in valleys and on low grounds—on adjacent hills.

     a. more frequently as      

     b. as frequently

     c. as well as  d. as well   [চলবে]

Answer : ৯.c ১০.c ১১.d ১২. d ১৩. c ১৪. b ১৫.c ১৬.c

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