মঙ্গলবার, ২৯ নভেম্বর, ২০১৬ ০০:০০ টা

ক্যাডেটে ভর্তি পরীক্ষা প্রস্তুতি

বিষয় : ইংরেজি

শেখ শামীম আহমেদ, পরিচালক, শহীদ ক্যাডেট একাডেমি, উত্তরা

Read the following passage carefully and answer all questions:

A proverb runs that ‘Health is wealth’. To keep healthy is to keep free from disease and anxiety. Good health is the pre-condition to happy and cheerful life. So, it is very important to keep good health. At first we should be careful about hygiene. Hygiene is the first condition of good health. Eating balanced diet is an important rule of good heath too. We should clean household and take healthy food and pure water. To be fit physical exercise is very important. Proper sleep and rest are also vital for good health. Besides, proper Medicare is also essential. Personal hygiene`s like washing hands, taking bath, brushing teeth, cleaning eyes, ears and nails and wearing clean cloth help us to keep fit. Thus if we follow these rules, we could keep good health.


1.         Read the passage again mean by `good health?           1×5 = 5

            a. What do you mean by `good health’?

            Ans. Free fro;m disease and anxiety

            b. At first, what we should be careful about?

            Ans. Hygiene

            c. Who can help others in society?

            Ans. A healthy man

            d. What is meant by `hygiene’?

            Ans. The rules and practices of keeping good wealth is called hygiene

            e. Why should we clean our environment?

            Ans. To keep fit and helthy own body

2.         Make five sentences from the substitution table :        1×5=5



            Ans. The proverb gose health  is wealth


            Ans. A health man is free diseseant amriety


            Ans. He can help others in society

            d) ——————

            Ans. Health rules should  be  followed strietly


            Ans. Hegient  is the  first condition of good health

3.         Make sentence with the following  idiomatic Phrase                1×2=2

            Kith and kin:———————

            Ans.I have no kith and  kin here

            Let alone:————————

            Ans. The boy dint even see a will let alone a maountain 

4.         Write done comparative and superlative form of the following Adjectives :                           1×4=4

            Positive———Comparative———Superlative Good————

            Ans. Better —————-best


            Ans. Worse ———Worst Wise——Ans. Wiser ———— wisest


            Ans. More beautiful ———-Most beautiful.


সর্বশেষ খবর